A collaboration between myself and a lady very special to me.

When with you I'm invincible, protected by your smell,
when I think of not being the one who kisses you,
I think of a living hell. For as long as I can remember,
I've always been afraid, but once I've held you in my sleep,
the dreams go on for days. I've looked at our reflection baby,
I cant believe what I see.

A girl so truly beautiful is standing there with me.
I've gazed into your eyes, as you looked into mine,
it's purity in its finest form, I've lost my grasp of time.
I only have a small regret... that what's locked up in my mind.
Are the most amazing photographs where I document our lives.

Eternity is forever, but I'd wait forever more,
because I'm no longer just waiting,
for that thing worth waiting for.


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