I'm looking so confused just what did I lose?
It's OK. it's just my mind.
If we get through this alive,
I'll meet you next week,
same place, same time.

Now if you can stand I would like to take you by the hand,
and go for a walk past people as they go to work.
Let's get out of this place before they tell us
that we've just died.

If you can make an order could you get me one?
Two sugars would be great,
'cause I'm fading fast and it's nearly dawn.

If drinkin coffee is your idea of really cool.
You can't expect no crazy,
chick to notice you just sitting there,
dreaming instant pleasure.

I don't want somebody to love me
just give me sex whenever I want it
'cause all I ask for is instant pleasure.

I can't go home and go to bed,
because it hasn't worn off yet .


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